5 reasons to book a sleep consultant

Sleep can be incredibly overwhelming and confusing. There is an infinite amount of information on social media and the internet in general.

Not to mention all the advice and words of wisdom you will hear from other parents and people around you.

So how do you know where to start?

You might have read information, bought an eBook or guide and are still feeling stumped. Your baby is still waking lots overnight, naps are inconsistent and you're all exhausted. Seeking support from 1 person to help guide you and get to the bottom of what is happening for your baby can be incredibly useful.

How do you know if it's time to reach out for support? You might be feeling weird about the whole thing, like you'll be judged if you do seek support and might feel a bit unsure of who you should trust!

I've put together some of the main reasons my clients reach out to me for support - maybe one or more of these points will resonate with you too.

5 reasons why you may consider booking a sleep consultant:

1. You are feeling overwhelmed and confused by all the sleep information out there

Booking in a sleep consultation or 1:1 sleep package with a sleep consultant will mean you're dealing with just one person who can help you feel empowered and knowledgeable about your baby's sleep. Block out the noise and choose 1 person to engage with that can support you.

2. You're feeling exhausted and sleep deprivation is starting to wear thin

Most of my 1:1 clients have absolutely had a gut full by the time they book in with me. They have tried so many things at home to improve their baby's sleep and they're often feeling pretty defeated. Sleep deprivation may be starting to impact your mental health, your relationship and your sense of enjoyment in parenthood. 3. You may be wanting to proactively learn about baby or toddler sleep (before any issues have arisen)

Most parents do want to learn and educate themselves in those early days - whether this is by reading online information or buying an eBook on baby sleep. Some parents choose to book in with a sleep consultant to have a 1:1 learning experience and equip themselves with the skills and knowledge to support their baby to sleep well before any issues have popped up.

 4. You're returning to work soon and need sleep to happen ASAP

I have worked with quite a few clients who decide to seek sleep support because a return to work date is looming and they need to support their baby to sleep well quickly. This is a great option as it means you'll have a clear plan to follow and can support your baby to self settle, develop a day routine, lengthen naps and consolidate night sleep.

5. You want support but don't want to go to a sleep school

Some families just don't like the idea of taking their baby into a different environment to seek sleep support. That is totally okay! We are so lucky that there are lots of options available to help families with sleep and settling. Working 1:1 with a sleep consultant means you can remain at home and the support will come to you (via phone/zoom or in person).

This list is not exhaustive, parents decide to seek support from a sleep consultant for all sorts of reasons. It's important to make the decision that feels right for your family. Do some research and speak with a few sleep consultants before making your choice :)

If you feel you'd benefit from 1:1 sleep support, book in a 15 minute chat with me (I would love to help your family!). You can read stories from other families who have reached out for sleep support here.


Jazz is the Founder of Let's Sleep. She is an Infant and Child Sleep Consultant, Midwife, MCHN, Nurse and Mum. Based on the Mornington Peninsula, VIC.


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